# API: Send message

# sendMessage

Send message from HostBill

# Optional parameters

Parameter Description
subject Message subject. Required if no template is set
body Message body. Required if no template is set
to Recipient address, use ; to separate multiple recipients. Required if no client_id is set
client_id ID of the client to whom the message will be sent
sender Sender ID that will be used to send the message
template Template ID that will be used to send the message
use_variables Set to 1 to use variables
html Set to 1 to send message as HTML
notify Set to 1 to add portal notification
replyto Reply-to email address
from2 From: Email address
from1 From: Sender Name
variables Additional variables to be passed to template. e.g. 'variables' => ['service' => ['id' => 10, 'domain' => 'google.com']]]
email_override Email for which email will be sent (overwrites client email value). The option is only taken into account if 'client_id' is set
brand_id Brand ID to be used when sending a message

# Request

GET /admin/api.php?api_id=API_ID&api_key=API_KEY&call=sendMessage

# PHP Samples

# Response

    "success": true,
    "sent": true,
    "call": "sendMessage",
    "server_time": 1484990422
Last Updated: 9/30/2024, 2:47:06 PM