# API: Add new client

# addClient

Creates new client, params described are minimum set of params, each HostBill can use different registration fields, codes(keys) of which can be used here to fill customer details

# Required parameters

Parameter Description
firstname Client firstname
lastname Client lastname
email Client email address
password client password
password2 password confirmation (same as password)

# Optional parameters

Parameter Description
notify Set to 1 if you wish to send customer his login details
phonenumber Client phone number
type Client type - Private or Company values allowed here
address1 Address line 1
address2 Address line 2
city City
state State
postcode ZIP / Postal code
country Country ISO code - i.e: GB, US etc.
companyname Customer's company name (if any)
field Any other client registration field variable, available in clients->registration fields
group_id Group it add customer to. Defaults to 0 - no group
language Language name to set client to use
status One of Active, Lead, Prospect or Lost - defaults to Active
currency_id ID of currency that customer will use, defaults to 0 - default currency
brand If multibrand is enabled, brand name to put client to

# Request

GET /admin/api.php?api_id=API_ID&api_key=API_KEY&call=addClient&firstname=FIRSTNAME&lastname=LASTNAME&email=EMAIL&password=PASSWORD&password2=PASSWORD2

# PHP Samples

# Response

    "success": true,
    "client_id": "14",
    "call": "addClient",
    "server_time": 1323785423,
    "info": [
        "New client account created"
Last Updated: 10/7/2024, 2:36:43 PM