# API: Add new client contact
# addClientContact
Creates new contact under client profile, params described are minimum set of params, each HostBill can use different registration fields, codes(keys) of which can be used here to fill customer details
# Required parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | Main client ID |
firstname | Contact firstname |
lastname | Contactlastname |
email | Contact email address |
password | Contact password |
password2 | Contact password confirmation (same as password) |
# Optional parameters
Parameter | Description |
phonenumber | Contact phone number |
address1 | Address line 1 |
address2 | Address line 2 |
city | City |
state | State |
postcode | ZIP / Postal code |
country | Country ISO code - i.e: GB, US etc. |
privileges | Array of enabled profile privileges: |
privileges[billing][emails]=1 - Receive billing notifications
privileges[billing][payinvoice]=1 - Allow to view/pay invoices
privileges[billing][orders]=1 - Place new orders
privileges[billing][balance]=1 - View current balance
privileges[billing][addfunds]=1 - Add funds
privileges[billing][creditcard]=1 -
privileges[support][newticket]=1 - Open new tickets
privileges[support][tickets]=1 - View current tickets
privileges[support][closeticket]=1 - Close tickets
privileges[support][emails]=1 - Receive email notifications
privileges[misc][editmain]=1 - Modify main profile details
privileges[misc][emails]=1 - View emails history
privileges[misc][editipaccess]=1 - Edit security settings
privileges[misc][manageprofiles]=1 - Add / Edit contacts
privileges[misc][affiliates]=1 - Access affiliates section
# Request
GET /admin/api.php?api_id=API_ID&api_key=API_KEY&call=addClientContact&id=ID&firstname=FIRSTNAME&lastname=LASTNAME&email=EMAIL&password=PASSWORD&password2=PASSWORD2
# PHP Samples
# Response
"success": true,
"contact_id": "68",
"call": "addClientContact",
"server_time": 1357899770