# API: Get client domains
# getClientDomains
Get list of client's domains.
This API call uses pagination for results.
# Required parameters
Parameter | Description |
id | Client ID |
# Optional parameters
Parameter | Description |
page | Which page to return |
filter[name] | Filter by domain name |
filter[status] | Filter by domain status |
filter[module] | Filter by domain registrar |
filter[client_name] | Filter by client name |
# Request
GET /admin/api.php?api_id=API_ID&api_key=API_KEY&call=getClientDomains&id=ID
# PHP Samples
# Response
"success": true,
"domains": [
"id": "10",
"manual": "0",
"name": "hbappreseller.co.uk",
"lastname": "Blue",
"firstname": "Mike",
"cid": "6",
"period": "2",
"recurring_amount": "9.95",
"currency_id": "0",
"module": "NetEarthOne",
"next_due": "2012-11-22",
"expires": "0000-00-00",
"status": "Pending",
"type": "Register",
"date_created": "0000-00-00",
"autorenew": "1",
"reglock": "0",
"idprotection": "0"
"call": "getClientDomains",
"server_time": 1323444637